1. Yourself? Depressive.
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Dreamer.
3. Your hair? Sheep.
4. Your mother? Mine.
5. Your father? Giftcard.
6. Your favorite item? Shoes?
7. Your dream last night? Dunno.
8. Your eyes? Diplopia.
9. Your teeth? Yellow.
10. Your habits? Smoking.
11. Your hands? Small.
12. Your voice? Aaaaaaah.
13. Your best friend? Lixx:X
14. Your favorite writer? Kafka.
15. Your favorite novel? Lolita.
16. Your obsessions? Feet.
17. Your playlist? Beatles.
18. Your drink? Sencha.
19. Your country? UK.
Let me seeee... Asta merge mai departe la Lixx, Vlad, Dan, Raluca si Duda, bineinteles daca vor avea bunavointa...
1. Yourself? Dandyish
RăspundețiȘtergere2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Religion.
3. Your hair? Red.
4. Your mother? Bitch.
5. Your father? Son-of-a-bitch
6. Your favorite item? Camera.
7. Your dream last night? Hilarious.
8. Your eyes? Frog.
9. Your teeth? Hate.
10. Your habits? Tangled.
11. Your hands? Chapped.
12. Your voice? Awfulest
13. Your best friend? Lex ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
14. Your favorite writer? Wilde.
15. Your favorite novel? Dorian.
16. Your obsessions? Bizarre.
17. Your playlist? Glam.
18. Your drink? Redbull.
19. Your country? UK.
20... Do I have to say who I am?Though so.
1. Yourself? Sadist.
RăspundețiȘtergere2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Heart
3. Your hair? Blue.
4. Your mother? Insane
5. Your father? Sick.
6. Your favorite item? Chocolate.
7. Your dream last night? Smoky.
8. Your eyes? Sumire.
9. Your teeth? Toothy.
10. Your habits? Painting.
11. Your hands? Smoking.
12. Your voice? Mine.
13. Your best friend? She.
14. Your favorite writer? Cehov.
15. Your favorite BOOK? Nina.
16. Your obsessions? Needles.
17. Your playlist? Megadeth.
18. Your drink? Whisky.
19. Your country? UK
20. Your fear? Suicide.
21. Your beliefs? Satan.
1. Yourself? Nebun.
RăspundețiȘtergere2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Nature.
3. Your hair? Negru.
4. Your mother? Instabila.
5. Your father? Copilaros.
6. Your favorite item? Chitara.
7. Your dream last night? Libertatea.
8. Your eyes? Negrii.
9. Your teeth? Inclestati.
10. Your habits? Vanitoase.
11. Your hands? Subtiri
12. Your voice? Subtire.
13. Your best friend? Simona
14. Your favorite writer? Eliade.
15. Your favorite BOOK? Transcendenta.
16. Your obsessions? Irealitatea.
17. Your playlist? Inuman.
18. Your drink? Mied.
19. Your country? Romania.
20. Your favorite season? Winter.
Uluitor, deşi off-topic... N-ai lăsat nici măcar o urmă pe la Pseudoloricele mele, dar m-ai chemat uşor spre "lumea" ta. O fi "black", dar nu din cauza oamenilor... Dar, fiecare ne exprimăm cum ne place!
RăspundețiȘtergereMeh. Inca n-am lasat urme, dar am citit ultimele postari. Recunosc, n-am nici timp, nici inspiratie.
RăspundețiȘtergereIti multumesc totusi ca ai dat pe-aci^^.
Păi m-ai trecut la blogroll şi io n-am ştiut... Dar, vorba-ceea e gratis ;) Deci şi eu am pentru ce să-ţi mulţumesc! :)
RăspundețiȘtergere*Whistle* Teh. N-am stiut ca trebuie sa anunt.
RăspundețiȘtergereAcest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.